Our Approach
About the podcast
I’ve walked to work for most of my career (the shortest ever commute was one minute, each way). At the time this podcast began my walk was closer to about 25, though now I have a 50 minute plus drive. I enjoy listening to podcasts… TED Talks, In Our Time, Classic Tales, that sort of thing. I appreciate the efforts these creators go to in order to enrich me. Early 2018 I figured, “Say, I’ve got access to global experts in online education. Why not start a podcast?”
Our Story
Getting started
At the time I was working at the Open University, UK. Professor Tony Bates was about to visit, so I asked him about being interviewed for a new podcast series. He was up for it. L&LoOL was born!
It took me longer than I thought to get his interview ready for you. Apparently there’s much more to a good podcast than simply recording, uploading and obtaining an RSS… Nev Ellington, an OU colleague, brought the audio tech the raw interviews needed. Without Nev, these episodes would be roughly recorded WAV files gathering digital dust.
Our objective is to bring you first-person perspectives from online learning experts that will inform and inspire you. I hope that they’ll also get you to engage with each expert’s further work, too. These L&Ls will provide an ongoing commentary of ideas that will expand your appreciation of online education. Enjoy!
We’re a small, select team…
…of two.

Mark Nichols
Interviewer & Website
Mark’s been involved in online learning for quite some time. Check out his LinkedIn profile. His online education practice is heavily influenced by his distance education background.

Nev Ellington
Podcast Mixing
Nev is a Programme Manager in the Technology Enhanced Learning team at The Open University. In his spare time he is a closet musician, writing and recording his own material. You can hear some of his music at https://soundcloud.com/thelongdeparted.