024 Associate Professor Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams

Leaders & Legends of Online Learning
Leaders & Legends of Online Learning
024 Associate Professor Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams

Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams is UNESCO Chair in Open Education and Social Justice. She was involved in the development of the Cape Town Open Education Declaration, which inspired her subsequent local and international work. Cheryl has a deep history in technology-enhanced education and an ongoing commitment to open scholarship and practice.

Interview: https://episodes.castos.com/onlinelearninglegends/024-Cheryl-Hodgkinson-Williams-Final.mp3 | recorded May 2019

Cheryl’s profile: http://www.cilt.uct.ac.za/cilt/about/cheryl-hodgkinson-williams

Nominated links (free to access):

Published work that requires subscription or purchase:

Twitter: @CherylHW

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