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Professor Emeritus Fred Saba is an international scholar, and founder of distance-educator.com. He is author of over 100 articles and book chapters, is on the editorial board of many prominent international journals and is the first winner of the Charles A. Wedemeyer award given to scholars who have made significant contributions to research and theory building in the field of distance education.
Interview: https://episodes.castos.com/onlinelearninglegends/036-Fred-Saba-Final.mp3 | recorded January 2020
Fred’s profile: https://distance-educator.com/19575-2/
Nominated links (free to access):
- Saba, F. (2016). Theories of distance education: Why they matter. New Directions for Higher Education, 2016(173), 21-30.
- Saba, F. (2014) . Methods of study in distance education: A critical review of selected recent literature. In P. Anderson, and O. Zawacki-Richter (Eds.). Online distance education: Towards a research agenda. (152-171). Athabasca, CA: Athabasca University.
- Saba, F. (2012). A systems approach to the future of distance education in colleges and universities: Research, development, and implementation. Continuing Higher Education Review. 76, 30-37.
- Saba, F. (2011). Distance education in the United States: Past, present, future. Educational Technology, 51 (6) 11-18.
Published works (requiring purchase):
- Saba, F., & Shearer, R. L. (2018). Transactional distance and adaptive learning: Planning for the future of higher education. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Subscription to Distance-Educator.com: https://distance-educator.com/
Twitter: @Distance_E