Professor Michael Sankey has two decades’ experience in online and distance education. His work as a practitioner, thinker and facilitator have assisted universities across Australasia and further afield to improve their practice.
Interview: | recorded September 2020
Michael’s ePortfolio:
Michael’s Griffith Experts site:
Michael’s ResearchGate handle:
Michael’s WordPress Blog:
Michael’s LinkedIn profile:
Nominated links (free to access):
- Sankey, M. 2020. Putting the pedagogic horse in front of the technology cart. Journal of Distance Education in China. 5, pp .46-53. DOI:10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.2020.05.006 The English version of this article may be found at:
- Sankey, M. 2020. Benchmarking for Technology-enabled learning. In S. Panda and S. Mishra (Eds). Technology-Enabled learning: Policy, Pedagogy and Practice. Chapter 16. pp.213-220. Commonwealth of Learning. BC Canada. ISBN 978-1-894975-98-8.
- Sankey, M., Mishra, S. 2019. Benchmarking Toolkit for Technology-Enabled Learning. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL). British Columbia, Canada.
- Sankey, M. 2020. The ACODE Learning Leaders Vodcast Series. Available at:
- Sankey, M. 2018. Understanding Micro-Credentials. Youtube Video describing how the use of micro-credentials in the Australian higher education sector has expanded significantly in the last 12 – 18 months.
Nominated works (require purchase):
- Sankey, M., & Padro, F. 2016. ‘ACODE Benchmarks for Technology EnhancedIJQSS.jpg Learning (TEL): Findings from a 24 university benchmarking exercise regarding the benchmarks’ fitness for purpose and capacity to generate useful quality assurance information‘. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. 8(3). pp.345-362. DOI: 10.1108/IJQSS-04-2016-0033
- Watch out in early 2021 for: Sankey, M. 2021. ‘Learning Technologies’. Chapter 8 in, L.Hunt, & D. Chalmers (Eds.) University Teaching in Focus: A learning-centred approach. 2nd Edition. Routledge. UK.
Twitter: @michael_sankey